Come join us for our monthly educational meetings, typically held on the first Tuesday of each month starting at 6:00 p.m. These meetings are open to everyone, whether you're a member or not. We have found a new meeting location at the Lewis Fire District 6 Station 61. Located at 2123 Jackson Hwy in Chehalis. We meet in the Training Room and the entry door is on the backside of the station next to the trash area. Please do not block exits that might be used by the Fire Station.
Please double check our calendar below to confirm the location of our next meeting. Just click on the meeting entry for more details.
At our meetings, we encourage attendees to bring fresh mushrooms for identification. Simply place them in a paper bag or basket and bring them to the meeting before 5:45 p.m. Please note that we are an all-volunteer organization and cannot provide mushroom identification services outside of our meetings. We also advise against attempting to identify mushrooms by description or photo.